
Thursday, February 27, 2014

~Oh! For the Love of Bread!~

The love of all things bread and refined got me to the stage where my physiological and psychological life was in shambles, it got me to the point where looking at myself was something I avoided - no full length mirrors existed in our home and feeling constantly lethargic and much of a coach potato was the order of my got me


Easter 2013 Drakensburg, KwaZulu Natal

July 2012 Port Edward, KwaZulu Natal

July 2013 vs October 2013
Pablo Nerudas' Ode to Bread a metaphorical poem that has deep meaning captured my attention and I have extracted these two lines to suit my own purposes:
O bread familiar to every mouth,
 I will not kneel before you:

And the result of 224 days processed bread-FREE (among other processed foods), is

27th and 25th February 2014
Through trial and error, I realized that it all begins with ME.  There are no short-cuts to success - one has to work hard to achieve that which you seek to attain, be it good relationship status', business, work, self-image, raising families, growing gardens and the like.  Your heart and soul has to be the source of your determination to succeed and once you have attained, you reap the rewards of your efforts.  Half-hearted attempts don't work for me and I am by no means perfect - commitment, determination and perseverance have all aided me in my progress to this stage of my journey and I pray that it carries me through to the next phase as I move on to exploring more natural options that will reverse my diabetes and keep me healthy and fit.
This has not been an easy path to find the correct road in my journey to health and weight loss Utopia.  I have struggled and wrestled with my food demons, sought inspiration from the many, many, many others that have had modicums of success in beating or attempting to beat life-style diseases through a healthy diet and exercise plan.  The past seven months have seen me maintaining a positive mindset, have seen me inspire and motivate many others in their journey's, whether to get their mind-space's going, or creating their own blogs or enjoying the plain and simple natural goodness of brinjal and green teas - like a friend says, "You are indeed a trend-setter Prava" - who would've thought at my age, that which I sought and am succeeding in, would inspire and  motivate others too?
As I close this chapter of my 210 days on Sleekgeeks Reboot/Paleo Detox I give thanks to all those who have encouraged and supported me to lose 35kg in 210 days, to attain a satisfactory  (scratch that) no, good, if not very good level in my health and fitness and my message to everyone reading this and those whom are using my journey as a yardstick to their own progress, is NEVER EVER GIVE UP, as like me, you hold the power within you to make your dreams a reality.
I move on to hopefully encompassing Paleo in my way forward, and I will always keep Rebooters very close to my heart and mind, continuing to motivate you (and me) as I plod along the path and destination that my journey takes me...





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