
Friday, February 28, 2014

Haddock Chowder (with Coconut Milk) and Poached Egg

Chowders and thick soups have always conjured visions of decadent food luxury in my mind - the ultimate comfort food on cold days, especially the Winter season.  A few years  I experienced the decadent luxury of a New England Clam chowder on the shores of the Montauk Lighthouse in Long first chowder experience made for lasting food memories of wanting to go back for more!

Earlier this week I was paging through my mum's collection of old 1970s Women's Weekly magazines, that contain a wealth of recipes and health information no very far off the beaten track and still relevant to today's healthier lifestyles.  I adapted this recipe to suit the needs of a low carb lifestyle, changing the fats, dairy and flour to the healthier options.  This turned out to be chowder-in-a-bowl luxury, ideal for the upcoming change in season.  The poached egg is the proverbial cherry-topper!- Although the chowder on its own is a show-stopper to the taste buds. I am sure that other fish and seafood could be used with the same success.

500g haddock cut into pieces
500ml coconut milk
500ml water
1 bay leaf
2 tblsp coconut or olive oil
1 medium onion finely sliced
25g tapioca flour (arrow root powder could also be an option)
1 tblsp fresh lemon juice
1 tblsp flat-leaf or Italian parsley
salt and freshly ground black pepper
eggs for poaching

Here's How

  • Start by placing the haddock pieces in a large pot, pour in the milk and water, season with pepper (but no salt yet) and add the bay leaf. Now gently bring it up to simmering point and simmer very gently for 5 minutes before taking it off the heat and pouring it all into a bowl to steam for 15 minutes.

  • Meanwhile, wipe the pot with kitchen paper towels and add the oil, add the chopped onion and let it sweat very gently, without browning, for about 10 minutes. By that time the haddock will be ready, so remove it with a draining spoon (reserving the liquid) to a plate, discard the bay leaf and remove the skin.

  • Next, stir the tapioca flour into the pot to soak up the juices, then gradually add the reserved fish-cooking liquid, stirring after each addition. When that's all in, add half the haddock, separated into flakes.


  • Pour the soup into a blender or food processor and blend.  Pass it through a sieve back into the pot, pressing through any solid bits of haddock that are left to extract all the flavour. Discard what's left in the sieve then separate the remaining haddock into flakes and add these to the soup. Taste it now and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice and leave to one side to keep warm.

  • Poach the eggs and place into serving bowl, ladle the soup on top and serve sprinkled with the chopped parsley.

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