
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Roasted Bacon and Butternut Bacon with Zoodles (Courgette / Baby Marrow Noodles)

I tried this amazing all in one oven "treat" last week to get rid of the excess sugar free bacon in my freezer that the kids would not touch and to get more butternut into my meal plan!  It turned out better than expected and something I would try again, with a mix of different flavours perhaps.

It’s an easy to make meal or side meal of oven roasting some bacon and butternut together, stirring in flavourings of lemon zest and chilli at the end and tossing through cooked baby marrow / courgette noodles. The bacon/butternut infusion worked wonderfully to create a sumptuous comfort food!  The toasted pine nuts added a crunch to the meal however,  if I make this again, I will add toasted almonds.  This filling recipe makes two meal servings and refrigerates well.


200g butternut cut into medium sized cubes
250g  sugar-free bacon, diced
1-2 sprigs rosemary, finely chopped
1 Tblsp olive oil
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
Lemon zest to taste
1 small green chilli, very finely diced
2 small courgettes, julienned with a vegetable peeler
Salt and pepper to taste
Toasted almonds or pine nuts to serve, optional

Here's How
  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees celcius.
  • In an oven proof dish or the oven pan, drizzle butternut and bacon with a little olive oil to thinly coat and sprinkle with the fresh rosemary.
  • Roast for 30 – 40 minutes until the butternut is soft and the bacon crispy. Stir mixture a few times during cooking for even distribution of flavours.
  • Steam the zoodles in a microwave bowl on high for 2 minutes or steam in a steamer for 4-6 minutes, until tender
  • Once bacon and butter is ready, toss in lemon zest and lemon juice, chilli and courgette noodles and mix well to combine flavours.
  • Serve with toasted almonds or pine nuts sprinkled over.

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