Life has a strangely amazing way of giving lifes' complexities, when we take the time to care for and love ourselves, sharing that intensely private space with others who are trapped in the same dark places as I have been, the reward of that share by inspiring change and motivating others is indeed manna for the soul, soul food and more motivation to continue making self-changes and improving on the goals that I have set myself.
It has hardly been an easy road traveled for the past 11 months - often a very lonely road when it came to sharing with those close to me who didn't understand the journey I was embarking on and nodding their heads in bored acknowledgement, often feigned interest, when I told my "stories" to those that I thought wanted to hear them, meaningless to many who didn't understand the desire and want to take good care of myself in other ways that were meaningful to me and to those that mattered.
This journey to my own Utopia in health and self-care, started with me, was all about me in the initial stages, where no one surrounding me physically could "get"the type of "speed" that I was on. The decision to go public by joining various fora in the social media networks was informed by observing others who inspired change in me. A opportunity to share and learn from like-minded individuals intent of taking back their lives, add meaning to those or their families and those seriously and also not-so-seriously wanting to be healthy. I've often blogged about my support bases in the "Sleek" pages that have been responsible for so much of growth both spiritually and physically during this journey to me. The various group pages within the main page have been a mainstay in this journey and the interaction with like-minded foodies and health experts have assisted me immensely in getting my life back.
My journey has followed a natural progression of mostly self-induced motivation at the very beginning,...which some may be critical of, in that, day after day, week after week and month after month I trudged this road to a newer me with very little complaining - I seriously had nothing to complain about. Unlike my previous attempts with an immature mind and stop-starting body that caused me so much harm, I believe that those experiences were the catalyst to see me "getting it right" this time? We all have to start somewhere, right? As with so many others, I "started over" so many times back then, testament to that may be found on many international social media forums where I participated in, sometimes not as actively as currently, but the proof is out there and I was lonely in my interaction, as no one understood me in the context that I was looking to be understood or maybe my heart and soul was not seriously into wanting to change?
I am a nurturer, overly so I might add and it's this nurturing nature stemming from my deep and immense love of peoples, a passion that has made the recent interactions an immensely involved one. I entered these interactions consciously with no hang ups, with a lot of thought about how my involvement will assist others and without expectations of being "liked" or followed by anyone. As I have blogged before, if I could change one life the way that others have inspired change to change mine, then I was in a space of satisfaction.
Technology and I don't gel. I dabbled with Google plus about 3 months ago, joining it as it linked to my public email and encountered circles which I still know not too much about as well as various posts and pages on this amazing platform. Suddenly I am a very big part of it as one of my friends in the circles pointed out - over 640 000 views in such a short space of time...while it is all about quality vs quantity for me, it is indeed surprising and rewarding to see the outreach. Impact though is another kettle of fish but that which I am very confident of, is the group of support through the Sleek Facebook pages, through various posts on my facebook wall, in an overflowing message inbox and comments that I am indeed involved in changing lives - a catalyst for change for many. Here again, it is not about quantity but about quality!!!
This blog entry is not about bragging, or wanting to be better than the next person who by the way are many in number that inspire change in me all the time - most on the Sleek pages too! This is about paying it forward by assisting others that need the assistance - a pledge I took with myself at the beginning of my journey and when I joined the Sleek Facebook pages, which is just a month shy of one year. It is the opportunity to say THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERY PERSON WHOSE LIVES I HAVE TOUCHED, EVEN IN THE TINIEST OF WAYS and to inform you Dear Reader through this blog entry that while changes in any aspect of our lives may physically and mentally affect and transform us in so many different, exciting and interesting ways, for our betterment, we should never forget where we came from. It's from the very humble beginnings that I started on this journey and while I may have physically metamorphisized, I have remained very much the nurturer that I am and I hope to continue in the same vein as I progress in my journey.
It is by observing the changes of others, that has assisted me too in making the change to me and in paying it forward to you, lies true reward in the betterment of me, holistically. So I continue on my path on the long road to me, taking you along the voyage of my personal self-discovery through change and I hope to continue inspiring and motivating others that CHANGE is indeed POSSIBLE....and passionately assisting others through my experiences, which is indeed a humbling and rewarding one.
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