
Saturday, December 7, 2013

~New York, New York! See you soon...~

It is official, signed, sealed and delivered!  Can hardly believe it, and I'm in much of a dream state, feeling like a can of  Mexican jumping beans- all made possible by my Woman of Substance, with much love.   A day after turning 46 and what will then be a year since I started this journey to a new me, I will be on my way to The Big Apple!!! -  in commemoration of my journey, a token of her pride in me, a reward to celebrate my achievements and an opportunity for me to be motivated and inspired to continue on my journey to my health and weight loss Utopia!
New York City has and will always remain one of my favorite international travel destinations ever!  The eclectic mix of people, the vibrancy of a city that NEVER sleeps, the frenetic energy of the scores of commuters leaving the sub-way during peak hour and snaking their way to work in their sneakers with their (female) stiletto's sticking out of their shopping bags and their Ipod earphones glued to their ears,  the fashion avenues, the exciting department stores including Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdales, Lord and Taylor, MACY's, Saks 5th Avenue, Victoria's Secret,  Toys R Us, Broadway (always a winner for this theatre lover), the Wholefoods store, my Lebanese tea seller, The 9/11 Memorial site, The Empire State Building, Museum of Modern Art, Rockefeller Centre, The Bronx and Queens, and my favorite of favorites, Central Park!!!
I have been fortunate in my past employment, heading up the southern African region human resources for a US based human rights and social justice organization, to be afforded the opportunity of visiting New York City and surrounds 8 times in the 12.5 years during my working career with them.  The annual trip to retreat with my counterparts from over 54 international offices became my opportunity to explore every nook and cranny that this marvelously exciting and sought after travel opportunity had to offer.  I carefully planned my leave days around these trips and was fortunate to spend a minimum of 8 days extra each time I visited - often leaving sunny South Africa with 1 piece of luggage and returning with many ;)

Elvis in Times Square October 2011

So back to the present:  While the reality of this gi-normous and super generous reward settles in, I am reminded of all the goal posts I have shifted to get to this proud moment in my journey.  Each kilogram lost represented goodbye to a part of the former me, and each time that happened, the goal posts shifted further.  what started off as a 10-15kg goal, has now grown to double that amount - a massive achievement to bettering my health, making me more confident, exceeding all my expectations that i would be able to make it this far and beyond.  While the weight loss and feeling fitter as the days go by, and that I look good and suddenly I am being seen in a more "favourable" light which is an awesome boost for my self-esteem and is a great reward in itself, this milestone reward is a great motivator to remain on this journey.... Then there is the issue of shadow-boxing [the process of overcoming a negative self-image which, may, prevent one from achieving success]  This is an issue I face daily, sort of self-wrestling to overcome all the demons that have won in the past, and the fact that I am conquering them on a daily basis makes rewarding my efforts so so apt! 

9/11 Memorial Construction - October 2011
As I ponder all the inclusions to my travel plan for my 9 days in the City that never sleeps, my medium to long term mission is supported by my vision - a healthier me - a continual process that commits me to improving ME.  Work in progress that will "shape" me and my future,   a future I know that can be as bright or as dull as I command it to be.  The ball is in my court, the power is in my mind and heart, the motivation is in this awesome reward and the inspiration is ME!
And as I prepare to visit Lady Liberty again in the near future, I feel as though I am heading positively towards being freed from those fat shackles as the days go by....
Lady Libety - A lego display Toys R Us Times Square October 2011



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